Lotte is a 16-year-old girl who suffers from Rett syndrome, a disease that has left her unable to communicate. There are about 120 girls with Rett in Belgium. Luckily there are speech computers that can give these girls a voice again. However it’s very hard to obtain such a computer. They cost a lot of money and in order to get a refund you have to prove that the computer improves your life. To do that, you need to test it, which is hard, because there aren’t enough computers available.
That’s why we created 'Give a Word to Lotte'. Lotte’s story was written down in 5000 words. All these words can be bought on The raised money will be used to buy two speech computers for the Belgian Rett Association so families with Rett patients can borrow.
Agency: Happiness Brussels | Role: Creative/Copywriter (EN)
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